Thursday, October 19

An observation about counselling female girls.

Call this a rant, a venting, call it creative genius. Thanks Dr Seuss.

"As I go about what I call my work,
I recently disovered a strange little quirk.
I cannot explain it, I cannot tell why,
But with no clear reason, girls seem to cry.

They cry with their friends, they cry all alone,
They cry over email, sms and the phone.
They cry even if they don't know what its about,
And when it dawns what it its, more tears pour out.

They cry in the morning, they cry in the night,
They cry during peace, the cry in a fight.
They cry when they've lost and they cry when they've won,

This weight on my shoulders feels like it's a tonne.

Our water shortage could be just a crank,
For tears they are shedding could fill up a tank.

They cry for all problems, both big and small,
sometimes they cry for nothing at all.

They cry when they're hurt, they cry when contented,
They cry when it's cruisy, They cry when tormented.

They cry when insulted, and when complimented,
This crazy behaviour seem somewhat demented.

They cry when they're happy, they cry when the're sad,
They cry when they're bitter or moody or mad.
They cry but we love them, all that they do,
But dont let them know - that'll bring tears too."


General said...

Mate, that's gold. I hope you mean it mostly in jest, but I do understand. Girls can seem to cry in any situation - and for all extremes. Sometimes it can be annoying,

- I do like the way you finished it.

However, guys cry as well. David and his troops cried. jesus Wept. In these cases, however, they cried - and then went and did something about it. Crying is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as it doesnt characterise you.

Anonymous said...

lol, someone has too much time one their hands, but a brilliant mind:P Nice work:D


Dave said...

That is pure and utter GOLD!!!

Dave said...

One other thing.. your title.. "An observation about counselling female girls", what other kind of girls are there? ;)

Lucas said...

Its a Tripod joke. But female girls ARE the best kind. Im sure there's 'male girls' out there...

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, lots of nice reading on here. But you know I want some writing credit for your Suess - that was at least partly mine.

Anonymous said...

hey Felix,
nice stuff man, you need to write like that more often, you'd have girls dripping off you - or on you as your poetry contends.
I'm having a look round ur site, and I am pleased.
Keep it up, i'll drop by occasionally.
btw - what happened to todays' topical issue, or are we went to discuss whether crying helps out a situation? Coz i have solid evidence prooving crying gets you everything you want (providing ur female).

Unknown said...

Gets you everything you want? really wiki, I'll have to remember that next time you try to get me to pay for dinner for you...

Im offended Luca, did you write this after I was crying the other week? :P Silly Boy-man.

Anonymous said...

Mia, Mia, Mia. Once again you got it all wrong *sigh* I was meaning it the other way - chicks seem to be able to get anything they want, just add water. Once you get the waterworks cranked, a guy will crumble.
Very unfair, rediculously efficient

Unknown said...

And as for you other guys, Dave, Scott and General - I dont know where he dredged you up :P but please, don't encourage him. His ego is large enough already.

Nice to have you around tho!

Curious said...

They come from the weird tribe of M*A*S*H...

So, crying gets a girl anything she wants eh? Including the strange looks, and the fake sympathy too? You know, its not only guys who see crying as a weekness, when a girl cries (myself inlcuded) we hate to be seen. Red eys and tear stained cheeks aren't exactly a beautiful thing. But good poem, its given me a challenge now... to write one equally as stereotypical about guys ;) :)

Mia, if you want to see a common gathering place for our guy friends, check out curious happenings, and dave.punk.emo, and Creative hedgehog, we all post there too, you would be quite welcome :)

General said...

What did you think I was the General of?

I'm not sure what I'd say about "You know, its not only guys who see crying as a weakness, when a girl cries (myself included) we hate to be seen.". Sometimes we like to see you cry - you may not seem beautiful, but when girls let themselves be vulnerable around us, it actually gives us a sense of purpose. Our protector instinct kicks in, and we want to care (not just fake sympathy), and then find the cause of her tears and take it away. A girl who is willing to be honest and vulnerable around a guy can actually be quite appealing.

Basically, its about the cause for the tears - even when we don't always cry, we often understand the reason for it. We do sympathize. It's when we don't (and this is only in few occasions, or with few people)that the river of tears seem to be frustrating. And that’s where stereotypes are born.

Of course, I've just seen a girl start crying because they are killing off her favourite cartoon character (who she can't remember) and then break down and spend the next fifteen minutes with tears freely flowing.

Anonymous said...

now i have to agree with the general here i know this girl as well and she is still crying.
i cry, yer i do it in public, but only around people that i can really trust.
i cry when something sad happens on neighbours,
i EVEN cried when i was watching Pinochio.
i didnt mean to, and it wasnt that long ago i watched Pinochio either, only 3 weeks.
i have only ever seen four guys breaak down and start really crying;
my dad and my brothat at a funeral,
my boyfriend at his close friends funeral
and his dad at a WEDDING.
i dont think i have ever seen The General cry and i dont think i ever will.
i really liked your peom and it made me laugh because well it true, no deniying it.

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend and i were wtahcin a movie the other day and half way through it i started crying,
he was laughing at me and then all of a sudden he was crying as well. later i asked him why he cried and his answer to me was;
"i hated seeing you cry and it hurt to see you cry so i cried as well."
i couldnt belive that he was crying because i was.
we told his dad about and his dad laughed at him and called him a baby.
this just prooves that guys can cry over the littlest of things, like their gf's cryig.
ihave to say this is prooving your poem wrong ... even though your poem is a good point of view on us girls.
that were crying babys.

Anonymous said...

its funny, and mostly true... i LOVE stereotypes, so youre in my good books... anyway, GENERAL, i only cried about Haku coz shes awesome and i dont want her to die, you emo!

Lucas said...

The problem is, stereotypes usually grow from a small, but noticeable portion of events/people. And there are times, when we just can't figure out why a girl is crying. Maybe if emotional girls all wore mood rings....

....but it’s these situations that build the stereotypes. So sometimes there are strange looks, fake sympathies, and jerks who write nasty poems - but most of the time our affection and concern are real. What The General said about the protector instinct is true. We want the girls to be our Princesses, whether they be girlfriends or just friends. We want them to be treasured and happy. So when they are sad, our response is real. Real sympathy, honest hugs. And a real sense that we will fight to bring happiness (and no tears) back to them.

I'm looking forward to the results of your challenge, Curious

Anonymous said...

How on Earth is a guy crying over his gf crying romantic when she's sobbing over a movie?? Sensativity is fine, i can even deal with a guy crying (SHOCK!!!! HORROR!!!!), so long as it's relative to the situation. If someone's died, or she's really upset, cool, but a movie? No offence, but i think he's just trying to score brownie points with you Bek (that or he's a sook and just thought of a smooth answer to hide it).
Write something new Felix, this comments section is getting way too long

Anonymous said...

Well, Wikicrawler. I know now that I can't expect too much sympathy from you. I put up with all of you macho action movies and the tough guy act you put on with your mates afterward...

Be careful what you say, you never know who may be reading. ;)

Curious said...

I shall try to humour you Lucas with my attempts at poetry...

Just be careful about the stereotypes. I know that personally if a guy came up to me while I was crying and tried to comfort me, I think I would be a little bit scared, by him, and by the connotations that the action would imply. Though yes, I can see how you guys would care about us and want to protect us, there IS another side to it.

titanium said...

*sob!* ;) Actually I struggle to cry. Whenever I do, I always think "yes! healthy!" which is a happy thought and dries me right up.

(I'm a girl, btw. And another mitcham-ite invading...)

Anonymous said...

Well Greg, u almost had me crying, that was so sweet

Anonymous said...

I'm printing this out and putting it on my wall! Fantastic stuff Lucas...

By the way, I've made making girls cry an art form. Plus I get paid to do it! It's one of those strange gifts I have...

Now, to see if I can make titanium turn on the water works...

General said...

Thanks Anonymous.

I have to vouch for Matt. His work keeps kleenex in business.

But tears are good. a way to vent. Maybe we should all try and make titanium cry...

Curious said...

Oh please don't... Then certain sisters have to deal with a grouchy Titanium...

How does Matt make people cry? Is it the cartoons...?

Scotty =D said...

Yep, made use of Matt's tissues the other night... just have to hate viruses :P

I love commenting old posts =D